Many people are not aware of how damaging the sun is to their skin. Even just a few minutes of unprotected skin exposed to the suns rays can cause damage over a period of time.
The suns ultraviolet rays can lead to serious problems such as skin cancer. In fact, just one sunburn episode could lead to skin cancer. This is why its important to prevent sun damage and try and reverse existing sun damage
We offer several treatments to help repair and reverse sun damage, as well as help you take better overall care of your skin. From skin care regimens to laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation, Unique Dermatology has all the state-of-the-art tools and devices to help improve your overall appearance.
Additionally, here are a few things that you can do to combat sun damage and prevent further damage from occurring:
Wear an SPF 15 sunscreen or higher every day, even on cloudy days. SPF 15 is the minimum for lowering the risk of skin cancer and other skin concerns over the long-term.
Hydrate your body and your skin at all times. From drinking plenty of water to moisturizing your skin, you can help improve the feel and appearance of your body.
Consider laser skin resurfacing. Unique Dermatology provides laser skin resurfacing and rejuvenation to help battle sunspots and other problems created by excessive sun exposure.
Call today for a consultation.